Dawn Kahle
Admin Assistant
Dawn grew up in California, as a daughter to an OB Nurse and Doula. She grew up attending lamaze classes, helping show mamas-to-be how to breathe and using the anatomical models with deft accuracy. After school time was spent doing homework in the fertility break room, watching embryo development videos while wrapping up algebra assignments. As a college student she decided to become an egg donor, and completed 5 cycles for couples.
After giving birth to her first child, the idea of surrogacy became even more appealing. The thought of being able to share the incredible moments around growing a family was too good not to pursue. She is currently immersed in all things surrogacy, and beginning the process of her own journey as a surrogate.
Dawn is passionate about caring for others in every sense of the phrase- she owns a small bakery in Eugene and enjoys feeding others home-made goods. She shares her passion for art with the community through art shows and vending at local markets, and frequently adds to their furry, scaly and feathered family as injured and orphaned animals cross her path. She and her family travel as often as life allows, and dreams of relocating her family to a remote self-sustaining homestead on an island someday.
Contact Dawn